Rain Don’t Keep Me Down

It’s so gross out, raining or drizzling as well as being in the high 40s.  Just gross.  I need some new black shoes for work, mine have had it and are falling apart.  I have been trying to get enough clothes and shoes that I can use them gently, rather than wearing the same thing over and over again every day.  I have been poor my entire life, and I was always lucky to have something to wear.  I didn’t often donate clothes or shoes because I was getting them from places that get donations, and I would wear things until they were unwearable.  So now, I am trying to be a little more middle class since I am lucky enough to afford it.  Here are my new shoes!



I like them.  I’m glad tomorrow is Friday, I am going to visit my mother and sister tomorrow.  Tonight, my friend and I are watching Monday’s episode of Raw.  Wrestlemania is Sunday, we are pretty pumped.  I am especially for this match.


Cloudy, With a Chance Of…

This is how I am feeling today.  Look at that sky.


Trying to escape the mayhem of the office at lunch, I went for a walk in a nearby neighborhood.  I have gone here before for runs, but just walked today.  I love the ducks, love the fountains.  Especially love the ducks.



I felt the tension melt away with every step, but the tension was quickly replaced with sadness.  What was I sad about? Pretty much anything and everything.  Job stress, money stress, loneliness, disappointment, whatever.  I’m feeling a little stressed again, but it has shoved some of the sadness away haha.  After making it back to the car, I changed back into my work shoes.  I love them, they are minty-green and shiny Nine West flats.


So only two hours left of work.  Then, I’m heading to my friend’s house for dinner and to watch a DVR’d episode of WWE Smackdown.  Don’t judge; its hilarious and clears my mind of mundane stuff. My friend always cheers me up too.  He can make me laugh about 98% of the time, no matter how I’m feeling.  I don’t know about you, but I value that pretty highly. Okay, back to dealing with the angry public.
